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Poster: FP Date: Nov 1, 2005 6:17am
Forum: classic_cartoons Subject: Re: Copyright violation and censorship

Hey! Donald D. Markstein -

I posted the FLIP movie originally and asked the crew to move it here where it belongs. I grabbed your text from a quick GOOGLE hit, without checking to see if the source was copyrighted. It was never my intention to "steal" your work, which is very similar to many other FLIP references on the web, in that the facts as presented have been paraphrased endlessly by many authors and are a matter of fairly well-documented history.

Nevertheless, I apologize for causing you such surprising upset that it spurred you to refer to this valuable resource as a "den of thieves". I'm just another user who had some files that I thought would find a good home in this section, and grabbed the first description I stumbled across. The full-time volunteer staff here played no part in absconding with your valuable words.

I've changed the movie description to eliminate your prose entirely, and I've substituted text from Wikipedia, which I hope does not result in Mr. Wiki attacking me and the archive in a public forum.

For the record, the description of the other Iwerks cartoon I've uploaded (2 or 3 of which are still sinking in the OPEN SOURCE stew) are entirely my own, based on my opinions and knowledge of the cartoons. So, I shan't be stirring up any further poo for archive workers.